The only surviving child of a murdered king, young Princess Nefesti must take up the throne of Vadio, though she is deemed to young to rule. Knowing that her surviving relatives all wish to seize control of the realm, Nefesti must contend with princes and delegates from rival nations that seek to swallow up her once mighty realm.
After reading so many young adult novels, you get use to a certain style of writing so it was very refreshing to loose myself in the rich adult world that quickly became the child queen Nefesti's life as she battled withs with her Uncle's numerous plots to gain the crown and power over the land, escaped assassination plots and kidnapping attempts, and avoiding arranged marriages all the while trying to do what she thought was best for her people and the land that was her birth right.
It is an intriguing world depicted beautifully by the author and the only problem I had waswith the italicized print at the begging of each chapter. It was hard to tell if it was a quote, where it was coming from. And often I skip the quotes that are put at the begging of each chapter. So once it became clear where it was coming from I found myself going back to pay a little attention to it.
I would have liked some more description to have gone along with the words the person was saying, even if it was just to explain it a little better. I realize that would add considerably to the book but it wasn't until the very end that the significance of the words came out and I feel that other reader's might do as I did, and skip over it thinking it lacked in importance when in reality it is the exact opposite.
4 Raven's
Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteIf any of the readers get lost due to the number of characters in the story, I setup a bio and a map of Vadio that can be downloaded off of my website.
Thanks Again!
Oh WoW, That will be so helpful to future reader's. Thanks for letting us now! And thanks for stopping by.