Title: Fairy Tale Reform School: Flunked
Author: Jen Colonita
Pages: 256
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This product was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Would you send a villain to do a hero's job? An exciting new twisted fairy tale series from award-winning author Jen Calonita.
Full of regret, Cinderella's wicked stepmother, Flora, has founded the Fairy Tale Reform School with the mission of turning the wicked and criminally mischievous into upstanding members of Enchantasia.
Impish, sassy 12-year-old Gilly has a history of petty theft and she's not too sorry about it. When she lifts a hair clip, she gets tossed in reform school-for at least three months. But when she meets fellow students Jax and Kayla, she learns there's more to this school than its sweet mission. There's a battle brewing and she starts to wonder: can a villian really change?
4 out of 5 Stars!
Author: Jen Colonita
Pages: 256
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This product was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Would you send a villain to do a hero's job? An exciting new twisted fairy tale series from award-winning author Jen Calonita.
Full of regret, Cinderella's wicked stepmother, Flora, has founded the Fairy Tale Reform School with the mission of turning the wicked and criminally mischievous into upstanding members of Enchantasia.
Impish, sassy 12-year-old Gilly has a history of petty theft and she's not too sorry about it. When she lifts a hair clip, she gets tossed in reform school-for at least three months. But when she meets fellow students Jax and Kayla, she learns there's more to this school than its sweet mission. There's a battle brewing and she starts to wonder: can a villian really change?
- It was really easy for me to get lost in this book and forget that it was meant as middle grade reading. I am a huge fan of fairy tales and their retelling in general, I am first to give them a try and I am first to recommend them to any one looking for a good read.
- This book did not have a lot of the fairy tale aspect, there were hints of it here in there, as in the woman who lives in the shoe, the princess's snow white, rapunzel and cinderella. As well as their villains but otherwise this book was just like any other one. Which isn't a bad thing at all.
- I enjoyed trying to piece the puzzles together to find out who was behind all of the nefarious activities that started popping up in the school.
- I would love for this to become a Young Adult book just because I would like to see some love interests develop and spice things up because this has the makings of a great series.
4 out of 5 Stars!