Title: Entangled
Author: Nikki Jefford
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, YA
Version reviewed: E-book purchased from Amazon.
Publication:February 20th 2012 by Nikki Jefford (first published February 19th 2012)
Website:Author Website HERE
Add the book on goodreads:HERE
Goodread Synopsis:
Two months after dying, seventeen-year-old witch Graylee Perez wakes up in her twin sister Charlene’s body.
Until Gray finds a way back inside her own body, she’s stuck being Charlene every twenty-hour hours. Her sister has left precise instructions on how Gray should dress and behave. Looking like a prep isn’t half as bad as hanging out with Charlene’s snotty friends and gropey boyfriend.
The “normals” of McKinley High might be quick to write her behavior off as post-traumatic stress, but warlock Raj McKenna is the only person who suspects Gray has returned from the dead.
Now Gray has to solve the mystery of her death and resurrection and disentangle herself from Charlene’s body before she disappears for good
I chose to ex this off of my T BR list for multiple reasons. The cover is breathtaking, it was discounted on amazon and I had requested to review the second title in the series so I figured I had better read the first.
I am glad I did, because even though it is the typical two witches, one is good one is bad , twin sister vibe. I actually liked that what most people would consider the bad boy to be turned out to actually be the good guy.
I liked the foreshadowing to how crazy Charlene really was.
I thought it was clever to put into the story that only one soul could occupy the body, and that all magic had a price.
I figured out how Gray died before it was actually said, practically saw it coming in big neon letters really, but it was still interesting that she thought the best of her crazy twin until there was no room for error when it came to how crazy her sister really was. It really goes to show what the love of family will do for you.
I am actually looking forward to the next installment of this series because I want to see what Gray will do now that things have changed and how she will pull it all off.
4 out of 5 stars!
Author: Nikki Jefford
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, YA
Version reviewed: E-book purchased from Amazon.
Publication:February 20th 2012 by Nikki Jefford (first published February 19th 2012)
Website:Author Website HERE
Add the book on goodreads:HERE
Goodread Synopsis:
Two months after dying, seventeen-year-old witch Graylee Perez wakes up in her twin sister Charlene’s body.
Until Gray finds a way back inside her own body, she’s stuck being Charlene every twenty-hour hours. Her sister has left precise instructions on how Gray should dress and behave. Looking like a prep isn’t half as bad as hanging out with Charlene’s snotty friends and gropey boyfriend.
The “normals” of McKinley High might be quick to write her behavior off as post-traumatic stress, but warlock Raj McKenna is the only person who suspects Gray has returned from the dead.
Now Gray has to solve the mystery of her death and resurrection and disentangle herself from Charlene’s body before she disappears for good
I chose to ex this off of my T BR list for multiple reasons. The cover is breathtaking, it was discounted on amazon and I had requested to review the second title in the series so I figured I had better read the first.
I am glad I did, because even though it is the typical two witches, one is good one is bad , twin sister vibe. I actually liked that what most people would consider the bad boy to be turned out to actually be the good guy.
I liked the foreshadowing to how crazy Charlene really was.
I thought it was clever to put into the story that only one soul could occupy the body, and that all magic had a price.
I figured out how Gray died before it was actually said, practically saw it coming in big neon letters really, but it was still interesting that she thought the best of her crazy twin until there was no room for error when it came to how crazy her sister really was. It really goes to show what the love of family will do for you.
I am actually looking forward to the next installment of this series because I want to see what Gray will do now that things have changed and how she will pull it all off.
4 out of 5 stars!