Title: Dead Girls Don't Lie
Author:Jennifer Shaw Wolf
Genre: Teens & YA, Mystery
Version Reviewed: E-book provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Publication: September 17th, 2013 by Walker Childrens
Website:Author's Website
Add The book on goodreads:Here
Where to buy it at: Amazon Barnes&Noble
Goodreads synopsis:
Rachel died at two a.m . . . Three hours after Skyler kissed me for the first time. Forty-five minutes after she sent me her last text.
Jaycee and Rachel were best friends. But that was before. . .before that terrible night at the old house. Before Rachel shut Jaycee out. Before Jaycee chose Skyler over Rachel. Then Rachel is found dead. The police blame a growing gang problem in their small town, but Jaycee is sure it has to do with that night at the old house. Rachel’s text is the first clue—starting Jaycee on a search that leads to a shocking secret. Rachel’s death was no random crime, and Jaycee must figure out who to trust before she can expose the truth.
In the follow-up to her powerful debut, Jennifer Shaw Wolf keeps readers on their toes in another dark, romantic story of murder and secrets.
After reading the synopsis I figured that I would love this book considering it reminded me alot of one of my favorite television shows 'Veronica Mars,' I mean their plots are so similar you can't help but compare the two just by reading the summary. One friend dies and the other goes on an investigation to find out the true killer, whats not to love?
Apparently I was mistaken.
This book fell short for me, perhaps it was because I went into this thinking like Veronica but this book was one that I found myself struggling through.
Jaycee and Rachel are best friends, they decide to go to this old house one night where Rachel see's something and starts acting funny. She basically freezes Jaycee out and their friendship suffers because of it. They loose touch but six months later Jaycee gets a text message from Rachel asking for help but because they had not been talking she chooses to ignore it. The next morning she finds out that Rachel is dead. Feeling guilty for ignoring the text message, Jaycee goes on a hunt to find the real killer with help from the clues Rachel left her before she died.
Here is where my problems start off. I loved the way the setting's where created, the description's were fairly good until it came down to the actual character personalities. Jaycee is this shy quiet wallflower who is one that goes with the crowd, a follower if you will. So, when she gets this information that the murder was not gang related, why did she not go to the cops? Given she was told not to trust them, it didn't fit that shy, meek girl to go against that basic instinct and search for the truth.
Another thing that bothered me was the small town vibe. I originally liked it, being from a small town myself I figured it would be a setting that I could come to relate to and find myself enjoying but the racism that seemed to pop up was a little much. I think what really bothered me was that all the migrant workers didn't go to church and where bad or gang related vs. the Caucasian church goers where saintly angels.
I have known plenty of people that I will classify as evil who are church goer's. It also didn't make sense that it being such a small town and not knowing the names of everyone in the school. Especially a kid who goes missing for six months.
Sadly the twists and turns where extremely expected and I figured out the who done it before I was even halfway through the book.
It had the chance of being a very great book, I think it was just executed poorly.
2 out of 5 stars.
Author:Jennifer Shaw Wolf
Genre: Teens & YA, Mystery
Version Reviewed: E-book provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Publication: September 17th, 2013 by Walker Childrens
Website:Author's Website
Add The book on goodreads:Here
Where to buy it at: Amazon Barnes&Noble
Goodreads synopsis:
Rachel died at two a.m . . . Three hours after Skyler kissed me for the first time. Forty-five minutes after she sent me her last text.
Jaycee and Rachel were best friends. But that was before. . .before that terrible night at the old house. Before Rachel shut Jaycee out. Before Jaycee chose Skyler over Rachel. Then Rachel is found dead. The police blame a growing gang problem in their small town, but Jaycee is sure it has to do with that night at the old house. Rachel’s text is the first clue—starting Jaycee on a search that leads to a shocking secret. Rachel’s death was no random crime, and Jaycee must figure out who to trust before she can expose the truth.
In the follow-up to her powerful debut, Jennifer Shaw Wolf keeps readers on their toes in another dark, romantic story of murder and secrets.
After reading the synopsis I figured that I would love this book considering it reminded me alot of one of my favorite television shows 'Veronica Mars,' I mean their plots are so similar you can't help but compare the two just by reading the summary. One friend dies and the other goes on an investigation to find out the true killer, whats not to love?
Apparently I was mistaken.
This book fell short for me, perhaps it was because I went into this thinking like Veronica but this book was one that I found myself struggling through.
Jaycee and Rachel are best friends, they decide to go to this old house one night where Rachel see's something and starts acting funny. She basically freezes Jaycee out and their friendship suffers because of it. They loose touch but six months later Jaycee gets a text message from Rachel asking for help but because they had not been talking she chooses to ignore it. The next morning she finds out that Rachel is dead. Feeling guilty for ignoring the text message, Jaycee goes on a hunt to find the real killer with help from the clues Rachel left her before she died.
Here is where my problems start off. I loved the way the setting's where created, the description's were fairly good until it came down to the actual character personalities. Jaycee is this shy quiet wallflower who is one that goes with the crowd, a follower if you will. So, when she gets this information that the murder was not gang related, why did she not go to the cops? Given she was told not to trust them, it didn't fit that shy, meek girl to go against that basic instinct and search for the truth.
Another thing that bothered me was the small town vibe. I originally liked it, being from a small town myself I figured it would be a setting that I could come to relate to and find myself enjoying but the racism that seemed to pop up was a little much. I think what really bothered me was that all the migrant workers didn't go to church and where bad or gang related vs. the Caucasian church goers where saintly angels.
I have known plenty of people that I will classify as evil who are church goer's. It also didn't make sense that it being such a small town and not knowing the names of everyone in the school. Especially a kid who goes missing for six months.
Sadly the twists and turns where extremely expected and I figured out the who done it before I was even halfway through the book.
It had the chance of being a very great book, I think it was just executed poorly.
2 out of 5 stars.